Chakra candles are wish-fulfilling companions which convey and promote positive life intentions and affirmations. Light Chakra candles to boost your energy and enthusiasm for what you need to accomplish while enhancing your emotional and physical well-being. Our Unscented Chakra chime candles are made from 100% highly refined paraffin wax and lead free wicks providing a clean, long-burning candle. They're the perfect compliment for meditation and chakra rebalancing.
You pick your chakra: Set includes 10 chime candles of one chakra and one Iron Chime Candle Holder. Our chime candles perfectly fit all our chime candle holders. Our chime candles are small taper candles, size 4" in length and 1/2" in diameter. They are great for celebrations, rituals, meditations and much more. These chime candles have a burn time of approximately 1-2 hours depending on the atmosphere. They burn with the perfect flame size. Each of our chime candles are individually packaged to ensure quality and color.
Complete set includes: One Set of 10 candles for each chakra (70 Candles) and 7 iron chime candle holders
Keep out of the reach of children, pets and flammable materials. Never leave an open flame unattended. Store candles in a cool and dry place.
Seven Basic Chakras
1. Muladhara (Root Chakra) – Red Color – First Chakra
The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and its responsibility is for your sense of security, safety and your survival. It is associated with basic needs as food, shelter, sleep, material safety. The first chakra is the main and fundamental center of energy in our body and its function is to provide the source of prana for other chakras. If your root chakra is too close it might be very hard to feel safe in the world and every decision in your life looks like a potential risk. Very often person with blocked first chakra is under control of own fear. On the other hand when your root chakra is overactive then fear might turn into paranoia or greed. This root chakra candle will help you keep the proper balance in your first chakra
2. Svadhisthana (Sacral Chakra) – Orange Color – Second Chakra
Located in the pelvic area. The Sacral chakra is the second chakra and it is a center of sexuality, sensuality, passion, and pleasure. This chakra is also associated with water and flow. Mainly associated with emotions, feelings, relationships, expression of sexuality, creativity, and fantasy. The sacral chakra is responsible for our sexual pleasure. When the second chakra is in balance our relationship to the world, other people will be in harmony and it will give us pleasure. The imbalance of this chakra can manifest as a dependency with other people, being ruled by emotions, sexual obsessions but also lack of sexual desire and satisfaction.
3. Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra) – Yellow Color – Third Chakra
Vitality heightened intelligence, and personal power is represented by the third chakra. The main characters associated with solar plexus chakra are will and personal power, mental abilities, the intellect, clarity of judgment, personal identity, personality, confidence, independence. The most important function is the ability to realize your will and goals. Typical signs your third chakra may be out of balance: your self-esteem is very low, you might have a problem with your social life. On the other hand, when solar plexus chakra is in balance you are assertive, you can very easily achieve your goals and you are in harmony with your surroundings.
4. Anahata (Heart Chakra) – Green Color – Fourth Chakra
Heart Chakra is closely connected to love and your emotion but also integration and compassion. Main meanings associated with the fourth chakra are love for oneself and other people, relationships, compassion, empathy, forgiveness, acceptance, transformation, the center of awareness. Typical signs your heart chakra works in a good way is that you are open to sharing the love and your relationships with others are on the best possible level. Lack of empathy, jealousy, being close to others may be typical symptoms when your heart chakra is blocked.
5. Vishuddha (Throat Chakra) – Blue Color – Fifth Chakra
Throat Chakra represents your sense for self-expression, expression of truth, creative expression, communication, perfect form, and patterns. This fifth chakra is center of energy between the head and lower parts of the human body and it is responsible for self-expression and communication. The throat chakra is associated with the ability to express your truth, to speak out, good sense of timing and also verbal and non-verbal communication. This chakra is also about the connection to your spirit and note that is very connected to the second sacral chakra.
When the fifth chakra is too close you are introvert and afraid to express yourself. On the other hand, too open throat chakra leads to nonstop talking, being verbally aggressive, not being able to keep secret, to keep your word.
6. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra) – Indigo Color – Sixth Chakra
– intuition, spirituality, higher wisdom, and greater understanding are represented by third eye chakra. A Blue Candle is perfect in an energy healing, specifically for opening/unblocking, balancing and aligning your 3rd Eye Chakra. The Third Eye chakra is known as the brow chakra or third eye center. It is related to the act of seeing, both physically and intuitively. It allows us to see clearly, in effect, letting us "see the big picture".
7. Sahasrara (Crown Chakra) – Purple Color – Seventh Chakra
– It’s connected to consciousness and very important for connection with spirituality and spiritual wisdom. The Crown chakra relates to consciousness as pure awareness. This chakra brings us knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and spiritual connection.
Each candle is 7 inches tall and 1.5 inches wide
Weight: 7 oz.
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