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Smudging is an ancient practice of burning sage and other herbs for the purpose of clearing negative energies from environments, objects and individuals while also inviting in the positive. Our SMUDGE BUNDLE is a great gift idea for loved ones or for someone moving into a new home!


• 1 California White Sage Bundle 4”
• 2 Sustainable Palo Santo sticks from Ecuador 4”
• 2 Hand-rolled Copal Incense Sticks 4”
• 1 Selenite Stick
• Dried Lavender

Each Bundle is beautifully Wrapped


• Simply light the end of the White Sage Bundle and let is burn for a few seconds before blowing it out.
• Once its is smoking Collect the Sage, Palo Santo or Copal in a container or shell (burning down the end to catch the ashes).
• Wave the smoke around different areas you are cleansing.

****Pro Tip: Make sure to open a window beforehand to the negative energy has a way to escape!

Our organic white sage smudge stick delivers a deep and intense purifying smoke, surrounding you with a profound feeling of cleansing and safety.

Our sustainably-sourced & ethically wildcrafted Palo Santo sticks are from Ecuador. Our Palo Santo products are cut from the heartwood of naturally fallen trees & produced in strict accordance with governmental guidelines regulating the collection, processing, & global distribution of Palo Santo.

Mayan Copal is one of the most iconic products from Mesoamerican culture that is still used today. “Copal” or “Pom”, its Mayan name, has been burned over thousands of years in ceremonies including cleanses, smudging, Day of the Dead, healing rituals, etc.

Our Mayan Copal incense sticks are handmade in Chiapas, Mexico using only the best reed, charcoal, and natural copal resin known as “Protium Copal”.

Celestial Habit Sage Bundles are hand assembled with high-quality organic ingredients.

Sage Smudge Kit | 8 Pieces | White Sage Smudge Stick | House Cleansing

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